Eggs are called the perfect food.
Eggs are among the most nutritious food you can find, providing almost all the nutrients you need. To top things off, they are inexpensive, taste awesome and go with almost any food AND EASY TO COOK.
1. Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on earth.
They are loaded with a range of nutrients. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, good fats and various other lesser known nutrients. Most nutrients are contained in the yolk. The white is mostly protein.
2. Eggs improve your cholesterol profile as they raise HDL (the good) cholesterol. Eating 3 whole eggs daily raises insulin resistance, raised HDL and increased the size of the LDL particles in people with metabolic syndrome.
3. Eggs are loaded with choline – an important nutrient for the Brain. Specially essential for pregnant women.
4. Eggs contain High Quality Proteins with a perfect Amino Acid Profile.
5. Eggs are Loaded with Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin are both found in the yolk and tend to accumulate in the retina, the sensory part of the eye where they protect the eyes from sunlight, reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
6. Eggs for breakfast can help lose body weight as they help you feel full thus reducing your calorie intake throughout the day.
Not all eggs are the same
But before you go dashing to the grocer for the perfect food it’s best to know the different eggs available in todays market. Often we are greeted with labels like: Farm Fresh Eggs, Free Range Eggs, Organic Eggs, etc. But what do those egg descriptions really mean?
Conventional eggs farming is about profit. Don’t be fooled by the wording fresh eggs conjuring images of chickens frolicking on a green grassy field. What it really means:
• Farm Fresh Eggs - If you imagine an image of hens happy scratching around a farm yard while the farmers wife collects the eggs from a hen house. Think again. Fresh farm eggs are produced by caged hens crammed up in a wire mesh floor in racks with space per hen slightly larger than a piece of A4 paper. with ‘Fresh’ meaning the egg are less than 21 days old.
• Free Range Eggs - Now this must be it? Right? Wrong! Once again we’re talking about an industrial unit house but, and this is lots better, with access to a fenced off area outside. That’s about 64 sheets of A4 paper per hen. Free range hens have the benefit in principle but the sheer numbers and their nature mean they really can’t take much advantage of their undoubtedly better conditions.
Now most industrially produced eggs come from hens that are stuffed with antibiotics to stop the outbreak of disease, given the tight space. Now these antibiotics end up in the eggs and destroys your gut. Hormones are also given to boost up their egg production which gets into our system and may lead to obesity. Their feeds are made of GMO filled corn, soybeans and grains.
Now we get to the good stuff:
• Organic Chicken Eggs - Organic eggs are simply eggs from hens that are kept in a free range system but fed only on organic food, that must be free of GMO, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics and hormones while ranging on organic land. They also don’t necessarity get to eat animal food which they need as chickens are omniverous.
• Pastured Chicken Eggs - Are eggs that comes from hens who are able to roam around in fields and eat seeds, green plants, insects and worms for some real animal protein as they are omnivores, not vegetarian. They can eat as much grass as they like, not to mention breath fresh air and feel sun on their back all contributing to a yield of higher quality eggs high in good fat and protein.
A cut above the rest
FEELWELL'S BAMBU CHICKEN EGGS come from synbiotic, organic and pastured-raised chickens.
The chickens are fed fermented bamboo leaves from week one to strengthen their gut. Chickens need a strong gut as they are omnivorous and designed to eat animal food like insects, rodents, and worms and also green plants. They are raised on green pasture and under shaded trees during summer with access to insects, worms fresh air and sunlight.
We move our chickens daily where they deposit their manure exactly where it is required in the farm – building topsoil - a responsible way of raising chickens, increase organic matter and help global warming thru carbon sequestration.
The eggs are richer in color and flavor, with a deep orange yolk rich in vitamins and minerals with no taste of “lansa” (fishy) because fermented food makes nutrients bioavailable to the system. Its egg whites contain a lot more amino acids. The eggs have less cholesterol and saturated fat, with much more vit A,E,D, beta carotene and omega fatty acids. Because their feeds comprise of fermented plants, roots, vegetables, fish with added rice bran soaked in whey to remove the lectins in it.
Powdered oyster shells are also mixed into their food to give them the calcium they need to build their bones and also results in thicker healthy egg shells which can be washed, baked, powdered and consumed for your daily dose of calcium carbonate. Half an egg shell is equivalent to an adults daily need for calcium carbonate.
BEST FOR: Any kind of chronic disease, better raw or soft boiled.
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