Hippocrates said over 200 years ago: “All disease begins in the gut”. When bad bacteria overrun the good bacteria, the resulting imbalance called dysbiosis, triggers disease. “Leaky gut” is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall weakened by foods we eat like commercial dairy, grains, processed/refined carbohydrates, sugar and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Stress, antibiotics anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin also damage the intestinal ‘gut’ lining (“leaky gut”) causing a range of ailments from allergies to auto immune disease.
Fermented foods may not affect change in the microbiome because of the microbes in the food but because of the food itself - the substrates that is created when fermenting the foods. Fermented foods are very important because they are highly nutritious predigested foods, that because of the fermentation process, now are enriched with nutrients that help rest of the microbiome. They are enriched with things like with organic acids, peptides, B vitamins, neuro leptins and others that act as important food for the good bacteria in the gut microbiome. That’s why you can affect change in the microbiome with fermented food, diet and the right probiotics. You can’t with the vast majority of probiotics in the market because they need to pass through the gastric barrier – the stomach- that has acid juices with ph of 1.5 that is strong enough to burn the skin or put a hole thru a piece of metal. The gastric barrier is designed to destroy, most if not all, the microbes coming from food and the environment and prevent them from reaching the intestines.