"Since I was a kid, the stomach flu was a constant occurrence in my life. It was normal for me to expect such twice or thrice a year. When I would eat the regular amount of food people consume during meals, it would upset my stomach, making me used to adjusting to a smaller plate, and a smaller appetite, affecting my immune system. But over the lockdown, I decided to get into probiotics, drinking kombucha and other supplements every week. However, the change only started happening when I was introduced to the Feel Well Synbiotic drink. I first got addicted to it because of the sweet & fresh taste, but then I started drinking it religiously after I experienced zero stomach issues over the course of 2 1/2 months in quarantine. I was able to eat regularly with an increased appetite, and even my skin started to clear up. What I love about this product is that not only does it make you cleaner in terms of gut health, but it terms of waste too. You can return the glass bottles to have it refilled every week, and its a great pick-me-up in the mornings or in between meals. :)"
-Bella Tanjutco