"Glory to my guts!
Finally, my guts really feel gloriously good. No more acid reflux, gone the bloated feeling and ulcerous stomach ache. Every time I would eat Indian food (which I love), I used to suffer the consequences; every time I indulged in Mole Poblano, a delicious Mexican dish with seven kinds of chili I would bear the pain. But, not anymore! Not since I discovered Feel Well.
I begin and end the day with a jigger of fermented 3C’s Drink. In between meals, I take spoonsful of Synbiotic Yogurt made of buffalo milk and Synbiotic fruit drinks. For my happy hour, I take sips of white wine and munch on whey walnuts and almonds. I am also an avid fan of their other products like Bambu Eggs and Chicken, adobo flakes, carrot and ginger broth, that special Bambu Salt and the exquisite granola. By taking such healthy food and snacks, I have shed off six unwanted pounds, without even trying!"
- Gemma Cruz Araneta