1. Avoid all grains and anything made out of them: wheat, rye, rice, oats, corn, maize, sorghum, barley, buckwheat, millet, spelt, bulgur, tapioca, quinoa, cous-cous. Removal of all grains make the diet gluten free.
2. All starchy vegetable and anything made out of them: potato, yams, sweet potato, parsnip, artichoke, cassava, arrow root and taro.
3. Refined sugar and anything that contains it.
4. Starchy beans and peas: soybeans, mungo beans, garbanzos beans, sprouts, chick peas, faba beans.
5. Lactose and anything that contains it: pasteurized, liquid or dried milk of any type, commercially produced yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, processed food with added lactose.
6. Soy ninety percent of soy is genetically modified. Soya beans have a very high concentration of phytates which have the ability to bind to minerals and prevent them from being absorbed, particularly calcium, magnesium iron and zinc.