1. Eggs
Eggs are the most nourishing food and easy to digest foods on this planet. Raw egg yolks has been compared with human breast milk because it can be absorbed almost 100% without needing digestion. Egg yolks will provide you with most essential amino acids, many vitamins (Bi, B2, B6, B12, A, D, Biotin) essential fatty acids, a lot of zinc magnesium and many other nutrients. Eggs are particularly rich in vit B12 which is vital for normal development of the nervous system and immunity. Anemic persons are deficient in B12.
Egg yolks are rich in cholin - an amino acid essential for the nervous system and the liver to function. Cholin is a building block of a neurotransmitter called acethylcholin, which the brain uses for cognitive or learning processes and memory amongst as many functions.
Get your eggs from a source you trust.
2. Live Culture Dairy Products
Well fermented milk products such as yogurt, sour cream, natural cheeses are largely free of lactose because in the process of fermentation the fermenting bacteria consume lactose and a large percentage of the protein (casein) gets predigested and immunoglobulins get broken down. On top of that, fermenting bacteria produce lactic acid, which has a healing and soothing influence on the gut lining, many vitamins (B, Biotin, K2) and enzymes.
Unfortunately, commercially available fermented dairy products are not fermented long enough to make the milk suitable. On top of that they are often pasteurized after fermentation, which kills the probiotic microbes, destroys enzymes along with several of the vitamins changes the structure of the proteins, fats and other nutrients in the product.
3. Meat and Fish
Meat and fish are an excellent source of nutrition. Contrary to popular belief it is the meats and fish and other animal products that have the highest content of vitamins, amino acids, nourishing fats, many minerals and nutrients which we humans need on a daily basis. All this nutrition in meats and fish also comes in the most digestible form for us humans.
*Vit B1(thiamin): the richest source are pork, liver, heart and kidneys;
*Vit B2 (riboflavin): the richest sources are eggs, meat, milk, poultry and fish;
*Vit B3 (niacin): the richest sources are meat and poultry;
*Vit B5 (panthothenic acid): the richest sources are meats and liver;
*Vit B6 (pyridoxine) the richest sources are meat, poultry, fish and eggs;
*Vit B12 (cyanocobalamin): the richest source are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk;
*Biotin: the richest sources are liver and egg yolks;
*Vitamin A: the richest sources are liver, fish, egg yolks, and butter.
We are talking of real. Vit A which is ready for the body to use. You do not get this from vegetables and fruits nor carrots. A deficiency will lead to impaired immunity, eye problems and impaired learning and development.
*Vit K2 (menaquinone) the richest sources are organ, meats, full fat cheese, good quality butter and cream, animal fats, egg yolks, natto, fermented food and our own healthy gut flora. This vitamin is essential for normal calcium metabolism. Its deficiency leads to deposition of calcium in soft tissues and initiation of inflammation, while the bones and teeth do not get enough calcium.
Be sure to buy meats and fish frozen but not preserved as they have a lot of sugar, starches, preservatives, salt, lactose and other ingredients which will not allow the digestive system to heal.
Meat, bone and fish stock is a wonderful nutritional and digestive remedy. As you cook meats, bones and fish in water a lot of nutrients get extracted into the water. Use these stocks for making soups, stews, and simply as warming therapeutic drink with and between meals.
4. Fruits and Vegetables
Artichoke, beets, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, celery, green beets, mips, watercress, marrow, zucchini, garlic, onions, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, parsley, green peas, pumpkin, runner beans, squash, spinach, turnip. Frozen vegetables can be used as long as they are not coated with starch, sugar, or anything else. All vegetables should be peeled and deseeded and cooked properly. Buy only organic vegetables.
Fruits can be cooked, or raw, dried (no sorbates, sulphites, sugar, starch or anything else added.) Fruit should be ripe as unripe fruit contain too much starch.
Avocado is a wonderfully nutritious fruit and combines with meats. Berries are wonderful powerhouses of nutrition.
5. Nuts and Seeds; Beans and Pulses
Beans, lentils, other legumes and nuts are very hard to digest as they contain anti-nutrients such as phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and starches. Raw walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts should be prepared by soaking them in whey and mineral water for 12 hours. Rinse then air-dry after soaking.
Dried white navy beans, lima beans, string beans as well as lentils and split peas may be eaten. Avoid all others. Prepare beans by soaking in water for at least 12 hours, then drain and rinse well under running water to remove the lectins or other antinutrients before cooking.
6. Honey
All natural honey is recommended. Cold expressed honey is preferable. Honey should be taken in small quantities as it may encourage growth of Candida albicans in the gut.
7. Beverages
Freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices are highly recommended. They speed updetoxification is in the body and support the liver. Water with a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or whey is also highly recommended. On occasion, dry wine, gin, scotch, whisky, bourbon and vodka are permissible.
8. Fats and Oil
All natural fats on meats – lamb, pork, beef, poulty, etc., are the best. Animal fats are the best fats to cook with because they do not change their chemical structure, when heated. Cooking should be done with butter ghee, pork dripping, beef fat (lard), lamb fat, duck fat or chicken fat. If you roast a duck, collect the fat from the baking tray, put it thru cheese cloth and you will have an excellent cooking fat. If you roast a goose you will have enough for half a year. You can bake with these fats too. Non- hydrogenated coconut oil can be used for cooking and baking. Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil can be used for dressing, not for cooking, as heating will destroy a lot of its nutrients.
Other cold pressed oil like avocado oil, flaxseed oil and primrose oil are very good but should never be heated.
9. Salt
Salt in nature contain many elements: in fact, natural crystal salt and whole sea salt contain all the minerals and trace elements which the human body is made of. In this natural state, salt is not only good for us but essential.
Our bodies have been designed to receive sodium chloride in combination with all the other minerals and trace elements which a natural salt would provide. Pure sodium chloride, as commercial table salt is made of, draws water to itself and causes water retention with many consequences, such as high blood pressure, tissue edema and poor circulation. As the body tries to deal with the excess of sodium chloride, various harmful acids, gall bladder stones and kidney stones are formed.