FEELWELL is our commitment to your well-being and it starts with your GUT - your inner environment.
FEELWELL is a new food and health system based on the understanding that our body is home to over 100 trillion microorganisms, the majority of which live in our gut which supports the vitality of our immune system.
FEELWELL is also a collaboration with like-visioned, driven entrepreneurs, bound by their common advocacy of a holistic approach to healing ourselves and care for our environment.

One System is Our Guide
As Above, So Below... As Within, So Without.
“In ancient wisdom, in most civilizations there was a unified view of a simple principle that said at the base of creation there is a fundamental energy called ‘chi’, ‘prana’ or ’ka’. It was the
source of all creation. It was at the base of all the forces observed. Nothing could happen without that energy. The problem is we started to divide all the sciences into smaller and smaller pieces… losing the wholistic view of the system of how
cosmology affects biology, how quantum theory affects Consciousness…so everything becomes discontinuous. We’ve lost the ability to have a unified view of the mechanics of our universe, the view of our existence in it and even our relationship with each other.”
— Nassim Haramein

Our Story is Our Driving Force
The two legs on which FEELWELL stands are Margarita "Candy" Roces Jalbuena and Medilen “Medi “ Araneta Singh. The two friends are exponents of the healthy lifestyle. It wasn't always so. .
Because of her lifestyle, Medilen suffered 5 heart attacks from 1993 to 2002. In 2010, her doctor told her he could no longer do anything for her. That shocked her enough to find her way to wellness with the support of Candy from 2011 to 2015.
Together they arrived at a protocol that nurtured her back to better health. Today, Medilen is alive, well, and free of maintenance pills.
Raise your millivolts with
FEELWELL's Personal Energizer
"No medication nor operation can help the body heal unless the body's millivolts are up -50 mV."
— Dr. Jerry Tennant

Lifestyle is Our Relationship with Nature and the Environment
“Our civilization is changing to align with new holistic beliefs. In holism we again recognize Mother Earth and Father Sky as our creators, but we also understand that we got here through adaptive mutation to fit into the garden. Our purpose here is to tend this garden and to acquire awareness because that’s our part in evolution. And to make the best of our existence, we live in balance with nature, evolving a technology that allows us to live on this planet with the smallest possible footprint.”
— Bruce Lipton